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Watershed Stewards Program

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Train with us

Approximately 165

10 Centers

$2,814 per month


The California Conservation Corps partners with CAL FIRE, U.S. Forest Service, county agencies, fire safe councils, and other organizations to improve the health of California’s forests. Corpsmembers enrolled CCC’s Forestry Corps Program complete an array of projects such as planting young trees, collecting cones and seeds, and removing invasive and/or fire-prone vegetation.

Corpsmembers enrolled in the program receive arborist training and certifications. Professional development courses, offered in collaboration with industry and community college partners, also prepare young adults for future careers in forestry. Overall, this program supports workforce development while also providing tangible benefits to state responsibility areas and high fire hazard severity zones.

Why We Work

California’s lakes, rivers, and groundwater basins enable flora and fauna to flourish! However, according to California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, water supply from snowpack is projected to decline by two-thirds by 2100, producing massive downstream impacts. Rising temperatures will also threaten aquatic life. To restore and protect California’s watersheds, CCC trains young adults to become environmental stewards. 

Gear UP

Each day, Corpsmembers gear up to make the world a better place. Check out what tools they use to make an impact and picture what life is like training for careers in forestry!

Know Before You Go


Corpsmembers train 40 hours per week, typically from Monday-Thursday on a 10-hour workday schedule.


Corpsmembers must be willing to respond to emergencies and be dispatched for lengthy periods of time.


Young adults 18-25 and military veterans up to age 29 can join. Individuals must live in California.

Find Your Path

Work with CCC Career Navigators to chart out your path to success! CCC helps Corpsmembers leverage their skills and training to launch meaningful careers. Don’t believe us?! Hear from CCC alumni.

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Explore our locations

CCC offers forestry training at ten locations across California.


  • Fortuna Center
  • Los Padres Center
  • Tahoe Center


  • Chico Center
  • Fresno Center
  • Inland Empire Center
  • Pomona Center
  • Salinas Center
  • San Diego Center
  • Solano Center

Delta Center

7000 South Newcastle Road
Stockton, CA 95215
Get Directions

Ask Us Anything

We know you have questions about center life. Here are some of the common one’s we get. Have more questions? Give us a call!  

Call A Recruiter


What should I pack when I go to the Delta Center?

In general, you should bring two weeks worth of clothing to center, along with toiletries and personal medications. Corpsmembers may also bring items such as books, musical instruments, etc… To help you get started please refer to our standard packing list for life at a residential center.
Can I bring my car to the Delta Center?
While at a the Delta Center, personal vehicles are not required. However, individuals may bring their cars down to center….

Can friends/family/partners visit me at the Delta Center?

Guest policy

If I'm over 21, can I drink while living at the Delta Center?

The California Conservation Corps is a sober living program. No alcohol or drugs are allowed on the premises. If you are 21+ you may drink while off site.

REad Forestry NEws

Building the newest proposed State Park requires a lot of hard work and precision. For our CCC Inland Empire and Delta trails crews, the word that comes to mind is meticulous.