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Solano Center

Corpsmembers with the Placer 1 fire crew cut fire line with hand tools as flames from the Dixie Fire approach in 2021.

Solano Center Corpsmember Deanna Cooper hauls wood chips in a wheelbarrow during a tree planting project in the hills of Napa County.

Learn About the center

Located in the heart of Solano, the CCC Solano Center is focused on forest health projects across the North Bay, East Bay, Marin and Sonoma county coasts, and in the southwestern Sacramento Valley. The center is located on the grounds of Fairfield Suisun Sewer District in Fairfield.

Crews Maximum of 6

Corpsmembers Maximum of 85

Work Hours 8 am - 4 pm | 7 am - 5:30 pm

The non-residential center is home to more than 45 Corpsmembers who commute to center each day to perform valuable natural resource work in their communities and respond to emergencies throughout the state. Corpsmembers obtain meaningful employment in the area and across the state after a year’s service at the center. Each Corpsmember who joins the center provides a unique perspective to the diverse culture at the center and on the crews.

Work With us

Project work locations vary week to week. Most of the work completed by the Solano Center is in the Northern and East Bay Counties. Crews can be found working in Napa, Fairfield, Sonoma, Freemont, Antioch, Vallejo, Walnut Creek, Benicia, Burlingame, and other surrounding cities. On emergency assignments, the Corpsmembers can be dispatched anywhere in the state as well as outside of California.

Primary Project Type

Brush Clearing



Fence Construction

Trail Construction
and Maintenance

Corpsmember Kylie Manley prepares to remove overgrown vegetation along a hillside in Healdsburg, CA to reduce the risk of wildfire.

organizations & local Sponsors

Bureau of Land Management

Many projects take us to the Headwaters Forest Reserve and King Range National Conservation Area. Work at Ma-le’l Dunes Cooperative Management Area and the Lost Coast help to protect critical habitat.

Fish & Wildlife (California & US Federal)

The Coastal Fisheries Restoration Program is a series of success stories spanning more than 25 years. This program began as a partnership between the CCC and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.


Landscape and stormwater projects provide experience for Corpsmembers who may want to earn entry-level positions with Caltrans. Many former Corpsmembers are employed by this agency.

U.S. Forest Service

The Six Rivers National Forest provides many project opportunities including trail construction, maintenance and repair, campground renovation, protection of native forests from the spread of invasive species, and more.

Learn With us

Initial Corpsmember Orientation, Motivation, Education, and Training (COMET) will be provided during the first week of arrival. At this time, recruits learn the necessary essentials to become Corpsmembers in the CCC Program. Once Corpsmembers have completed this phase of training, they will be placed onto a crew. Each crew’s assignments differ from day to day, so the work education and training will differ as well.

Specialized training Corpsmembers at the Solano Center can obtain include:

Talk to a recruiter
800 952-5627

Earn Your degree

The Solano Center also provides a number of internship opportunities to Corpsmembers who are interested and qualify for them based on training and development. These opportunities include Caltrans Tree Internship, Caltrans Electrical Trainees, and other local opportunities.

Education Program

Corpsmembers who have not graduated high school prior to enrolling in the CCC will have an opportunity to obtain their diploma through John Muir Charter School at the facility. They will attend school after regular work hours until 6:45 p.m. during the work week.

High school graduates will also continue educational advancement through classes and trainings offered by the center.

learn more about the program


Corpsmembers can earn up to $8,000 in scholarships during their first year of service.

Learn more about scholarships

Read Solano Center's Updates

Corpsmembers take pride in the hard work they do across California. For our San Diego Center Corpsmembers, that pride comes from making trails safer for the public to travel and experience at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park.