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Stipend, Scholarships, & Supplies

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The California Conservation Corps is committed to helping young adults find their career and educational pathways. Our training opportunities can lead to meaningful careers in the field of natural resources. However, that’s not the only benefit of committing to a year of service with the CCC.

Corpsmembers enrolled with the CCC get the benefits of training to launch their careers, and get paid to do so. There is also the opportunity to earn scholarship money that can be used to further your educational opportunities or secure the certifications needed to land your dream job. Lastly, we supply everything you’ll need to get the job done. 

Get Paid While You Train

Yes, Corpsmembers are paid while they work and train in the California Conservation Corps. Corpsmembers receive what’s called a stipend, which is a form of compensation for someone enrolled in a training program.

Corpsmembers receive $2,814 per month, and get paid on the 10th day of every month for the prior month. If the 10th falls on a state holiday or weekend, the stipend is paid on or before the next state business day.

Corpsmembers may also receive emergency bonus payments. This happens when assigned to an emergency response project and certain hours worked are met.

For those who promote in the program to Specialist (green hat), Crew Leader (red hat), and Crew Leader 2 (orange hat), there is an associated increase in the monthly stipend. 

Earn While You Learn

As part of our commitment to enhance Corpsmembers’ educational opportunities and career training, the CCC offers enrollees the opportunity to earn scholarships while serving in the program.


CCC Brad Duncan Scholarship

While in the program, Corpsmembers have the opportunity to earn multiple versions of the Brad Duncan Scholarship with a maximum of $7,000 total available to earn.

  • 1st Year Brad Duncan Scholarship = $2,000
  • 1st Year Supplemental Brad Duncan Scholarship = $2,000
  • 2nd Year Brad Duncan Scholarship = $2,000
  • 2nd Year Supplemental Brad Duncan Scholarship = $1,000

The funds must be sent directly to the school or program. Per the school or program’s internal policy, portions of the funds may be released to the student to cover course specific supplies, transportation, etc.

Once Corpsmembers have earned each scholarship they receive an email with instructions for utilizing the scholarship. The scholarship will expire two years after leaving the CCC.

Additional Benefits

Corpsmembers do not earn civil service credit while enrolled in the CCC program. However, enrollment in the CCC can benefit Corpsmembers who seek to join the ranks of California civil service.

Per California Government Code 18951.5(a), a Corpsmember who earns a one-year completion certificate from the CCC is eligible to receive three career credits added to their score for California civil service employment exams held on an open, non-promotional basis.

Eligibility for career credits pursuant to this section shall expire 24 months after leaving the California Conservation Corps. Those who earn a CCC scholarship will have eligibility for career credits for up to five years after successfully completing the program.

Other Scholarships

In the past, Corpsmembers have been able to earn the AmeriCorps Education Award Program. At this time, AmeriCorps EAP is not accepting new enrollees into the program. Stay tuned for future updates and information if this scholarship becomes available again.

Dress For Success

Pride in personal appearance means pride in self and pride in the California Conservation Corps. It’s why Corpsmembers dress in the CCC standard uniform.

All Corpsmembers, as part of the program, are issued uniform supplies. Corpsmembers do not have to pay for or provide their own clothing to comply with the CCC uniform policy. The only items not provided are socks and undergarments.

Corpsmembers are issued four pairs of Navy Blue Cargo pants, three long-sleeve tan shirts, one short-sleeve tan shirt, one black webbed belt, five black CCC logo t-shirts, one black jacket, one all-cloth cap, and one pair of new black boots.

In addition to uniforms, Corpsmembers do not have to provide their own tents or sleeping bags. When Corpsmembers are on spikes — camping near work sites — the CCC will provide all materials required for a safe and successful work week.