California Conservation Corps crews are delivering assistance throughout the state to help combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Crews are assisting CalOES and local governments on a variety of support missions.
California Conservation Corpsmembers are an essential part of the state’s emergency response to COVID-19. Find the latest information on the virus at the state’s dedicated webpage for updates:
• On March 20, Fresno Energy Corpsmembers assisted CalOES prepare a warehouse in south Fresno. The facility will receive and distribute medical supplies targeting the spread of COVID-19. Before supplies arrive, Corpsmembers made sure the facility was cleaned and prepped for storage.
• Respirator masks for health care providers in Placer County are on their way. Placer Center Corpsmembers stepped up to move about 2,000 surgical masks out of a Placer County facility and load them for transport to a distribution point. Health providers who partner with Placer County will receive the masks in the coming days.
• Delta Center Corpsmembers are helping CalOES distribute medical supplies to places where they’re most needed. They’re working at a Stockton warehouse, where items—like masks—are coming in by the thousands and getting turned around to frontline healthcare workers.

Additionally, our wildland firefighting crews remain ready to respond to wildfires and our conservation crews are on standby for any other emergencies.
Meanwhile, CCC crews and staff are following public health guidelines, by teleworking, observing social distancing, washing our hands, and staying away from work if sick.