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The Pathway to Fighting Wildfires Found with CCC

A year ago, Cecilia Pierce was working as a barista in Madera County. Now, she’s one of hundreds of young adults in the California Conservation Corps getting hands-on experience training as a wildland firefighter. “I always thought this was way out of reach,” Cecilia,...

CCC Backcountry Trails Program Receives Merit Award

Every summer, CCC Corpsmembers head into California’s wilderness areas. For five months, they life off-grid in the backcountry while constructing and maintaining recreational trails for the public to enjoy. Crews don’t do this work for recognition. In fact,...

Every Day is Earth Day in CCC

In the CCC, Corpsmembers support the planet not just on Arbor Day or Earth Day, but year-round. Through a variety of projects and initiatives, crews enhance biodiversity to help native flora and fauna thrive! For example, Corpsmembers are currently adding a shade of...

CCC Culinary – A Recipe For Success

“I see myself becoming a well-known chef one day,” said CCC Delta Corpsmember Rashad Wilson. “I got my ServSafe Managers certificate and that was a big step up for me. It was a hard test, but I prevailed.” With dreams of being future chefs and restauranteurs,...