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Ukiah Center Offers Unique Work Experience, ‘Home’

It may not be a city they’d heard of before, but these Corpsmembers are making the CCC Ukiah Center home. Project work takes them from the mountains of the Mendocino National Forest to the Mendocino coastline. The work experience provides them with hands-on training...

Hands-on Experience for Any Career with Placer Center Fire Crews

Whether you’re interested in a wildland firefighting career, or just want to challenge yourself, the CCC Placer Center is a place you can do both. Corpsmembers join the fire crew to help launch their dream fire careers, or simply to gain work experience for a...

Critical Fuel Reduction Work Protects LA County Residents

Steep canyons. Thick brush. Hard work. But, it’s all worth it. CCC Pomona and Los Angeles Corpsmembers spent weeks clearing 10 acres of brush along homes and in the canyons and parks of Sierra Madre, near Pasadena. The fuel reduction work not only protects...

Fighting Fires, Igniting Careers at Inland Empire Center

Motivated. Empowered. Formidable. We think these three words just scratch the surface in describing our CCC Inland Empire wildland fire crew. These Corpsmembers are looking to ignite careers in wildland firefighting and conservation. They enjoy #hardwork and tackling...

Get Paid to Finish Your High School Diploma

As classes come to an end for summer and graduation caps fly, thousands of California teenagers won’t be celebrating. They didn’t finish high school. With the help of the California Conservation Corps, many of these young adults can turn their lives around and finish...

Backcountry Corpsmembers Excited for ‘Crazy’ Experience

Go ahead, call it crazy. These Corpsmembers would agree, but doing something adventurous, challenging, and even a little scary is what they signed up for when they joined the CCC Backcountry Trails Program. From the Eastern Sierra to the Trinity Alps, our Backcountry...