by mark | Sep 22, 2021 | News
They’re back at home getting some well-deserved rest and relaxation—for now. CCC Placer Center fire crews know they could be back on 24-hour shifts tackling the state’s most difficult fires at a moment’s notice. It’s what they do. Recently, on the Caldor Fire, the...
by mark | Sep 17, 2021 | News
Miles upon miles of hose. It’s what’s needed to fight and contain California’s wildfires. Our Corpsmembers are helping our state and federal partners corral these bundles, upon bundles, of hoses. Piles tall enough to tower above even the tallest of Corpsmembers. Our...
by mark | Sep 15, 2021 | News
Brick buildings collapsed. Entire neighborhoods laid bare. A community devastated. The town of Greenville was nearly wiped off the map in early August as the Dixie Fire pushed through. It’s a sight many Corpsmembers with the California Conservation Corps know all too...
by mark | Sep 9, 2021 | News
Cooking meals for 60 hungry Corpsmembers is most certainly not like getting dinner ready at home for yourself. At the CCC Los Piños Center, it’s early to rise each day for the culinary crew and hours of hard work and lessons. From chopping skills to measurements, meal...
by mark | Sep 3, 2021 | News
For many who live in and around Shaver Lake, this Labor Day Weekend a summer celebration may be the last thing on their minds. The Creek Fire tore through the community nearly a year ago to the day. Hundreds of homes lost, and thousands of acres of forest burned. “I...
by mark | Sep 1, 2021 | News
The flames are out. The forest is decimated. This is where the CCC Solano Forestry Corps is helping make a difference. Corpsmembers are assisting our partners at the L.A. Moran Reforestation Center in Davis care and prepare seedlings for re-planting of the...