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Director Saito Readies CCC for Wildfire

“The season is upon us and there’s a lot of work to do Fire season is now year-round, but come May—and in the midst of drought—the threat of wildfire really increases. “The season is upon us and there’s a lot of work to do,” said CCC...

Preparing for Wildfire by Reducing Fire Fuel in Sonoma County

Getting prepared for wildfire is a year-round endeavor. The California Conservation Corps helps do this by removing and reducing the fuel for wildfires. This winter, CCC Ukiah Corpsmembers helped reinforce fire roads and prepare for controlled burns by reducing...

Path to Success: Saira Ramos

A year in the California Conservation Corps can lead you on a Path to Success. Don’t just take our word for it, take it from one of our alumni. Saira Ramos spent nearly two years at the CCC Monterey Bay Center and turned that into a forestry aide job with...

Solano Corpsmembers Help Distribute Pandemic Supplies

It may be cliché, but it’s true. Many hands really do make light work. For the last few months, crews from the CCC Solano and CCC Sacramento centers kept busy working with our California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) partners distribute...