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Corpsmembers Celebrate Earning Their High School Diplomas

It’s hard work, we’re just honored to have played a small role in their success. The California Conservation Corps class of 2022 celebrated the enormous accomplishment of earning their high school diplomas on Wednesday, June 15 at the Sacramento Masonic Temple. As...

Prepared, Motivated for a Busy Fire Year in Camarillo

Corpsmembers are standing by, ready for when wildfire strikes. It may sound cliché, but months of training have our CCC Camarillo Corpsmembers prepared and motivated for what could be a very busy fire year. Their crew busses are ready, and their tools are as sharp as...

Not Just ‘Playing with Rocks,’ Building Access in State Parks

What do rocks have to do with making an accessible trail? A lot more than you might think. It is grueling, exhausting work, both mentally and physically. But, knowing that the finished product will provide better access to the outdoors for all keeps these CCC Placer...

Corpsmembers Help State Parks, Museum Visitors Save Energy

If you frequent some of our state’s great museums and indoor spaces, you may not pay too close attention to the lighting. Fortunately, CCC Sacramento Energy Corpsmembers are illuminated on which bulbs go where and how much wattage and energy they use. Crews have...

Magalia Fire Crews Motivated to Fight Fire

Make no mistake. Training for and fighting wildland fires is exhausting work. After months of prep, CCC Magalia Fire Center Corpsmembers are through their annual readiness drill and ready to take on whatever this fire year has in store. So, why do Corpsmembers go...

Learning the ‘Why’ Behind Forestry Conservation in Chico

Corpsmembers regularly fell trees, build burn piles, and help improve our local, state, and national forests. At the CCC Chico Center, they’re taking that work and knowledge to the next level in the Forestry Corps. Working with Big Chico Creek Ecological...