by mark | Dec 7, 2022 | News
It’s a dirty, muddy job but someone has to do it. CCC Solano Corpsmembers are proud to say they’re the ones making a difference in and around neighborhoods in Napa County. Trees, animals, and humans, all combine to clog up creeks and rivers with debris and...
by mark | Dec 2, 2022 | News
Hope and pride. Those are two words CCC Chico Corpsmembers say they feel after completing a recent tree planting project in a town some of them call home, or simply know well. The devastation in Paradise from the Camp Fire in 2018 is hard not to forget. The...
by mark | Nov 25, 2022 | News
As families across California prepare to serve feasts to a large crowd at dinner this holiday, for the Corpsmembers of the CCC Magalia Fire Center culinary crew it’ll be like any other day in the office. Imagine cooking for more than 70 hungry firefighters,...
by mark | Oct 21, 2022 | News
Using an ancient hand tool you may have heard of, but probably have never seen in action; CCC Fresno Corpsmembers are slicing, stacking, and smashing native grasses to help a meadow regenerate. In Sequoia National Park, near Tharp’s Log, power tools and fuel are...
by mark | Oct 19, 2022 | News
Three dozen Corpsmembers from the CCC Tahoe, Pomona, Redding, Chico, and Siskiyou centers boarded planes for Florida on Wednesday, October 19. The mission for the next 30 days, will be to help residents and businesses impacted by Hurricane Ian’s devastating...
by mark | Oct 5, 2022 | News
There are a lot of unique projects you can do in the CCC, but salmon restoration may be among the most unique. CCC Fortuna Corpsmembers spend their summers knee deep in area creeks. This isn’t a leisurely trip to the river for fun. This is hard work and long...