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Climbing To New Heights With Utility Line Arborist Training
California Conservation Corps Corpsmembers are getting hands-on arborist training that can lead to meaningful, good paying careers. “Just show up, get paid, and learn,” said Corpsmember Patricia Arriaga Rivera. Arriaga Rivera is among 16 Corpsmembers to recently...Restoration Work at Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park Underway
In a tiny town in southwest Tulare County, Corpsmembers from across the CCC are helping tell an amazing California story. Recently, California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot visited Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park to see the work firsthand, speak...Building Habitats for Wildlife While Protecting Against Wildfire
Restoring and maintaining our natural areas. It’s most definitely an example of hard work. CCC Sacramento Corpsmembers are up for the task. They’re completing a dual mission at Deer Creek Hills Nature Preserve near Rancho Murieta. They’re helping protect the preserve...