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Protecting Vital Watersheds After Mosquito Fire

In the aftermath of wildfires, it’s important to keep the chemicals from burned structures and materials from entering local watersheds. In the case of the Mosquito Fire, the work took place before the fire is even fully contained. CCC Chico Corpsmembers,...

Building Trails That Lead to Careers

If you’ve ever hiked a trail in California, you may have wondered who built it and who keeps it cleaned up. You might also have thought ‘How do you get a job like that?’ Well, wonder no more. Here are the answers: The California Conservation Corps The California...

Gaining Work, Life Skills with Yosemite Fire & Aviation

It’s one thing to visit Yosemite National Park, it’s another to work there. For seven Corpsmembers this summer, they had the unique, “amazing” experience to work and train as wildland firefighters. In partnership with the CCC, Yosemite Fire & Aviation hosted and...

Keeping the Tahoe Basin Safer from Wildfire, One Lot at a Time

The CCC Tahoe Center lives and works in the heart of the Tahoe Basin. When last year’s Caldor Fire burned dangerously close to South Lake, Corpsmembers were among those evacuated and among those who helped slow the fire’s spread. Working with our partner...