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Nov 16, 2017

Downtown L.A. Courthouses to Get Lighting Overhaul by California Conservation Corps;
Huge Savings Projected In Taxpayer Dollars
  • Courts project $20 million of savings through switch to LED lighting
  • Stanley Mosk Courthouse is first of dozens of LA area courthouses to see retrofit
  • 18- 25- year-old California Conservation Corps Corpsmembers take on energy-saving project


SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California Conservation Corps Corpsmembers are retrofitting the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in downtown Los Angeles with energy-efficient LED lighting that could save millions of taxpayer dollars.

Three crews of specially trained Corpsmembers – all 18-25 years old – nightly descend on the Mosk Courthouse to retrofit existing light fixtures to new LED lamps in courtrooms and workspaces.

“Retrofitting the Stanley Mosk Courthouse is not only an enormous job but one with potentially huge benefits for the public by reducing the dollars needed to keep the facility’s lights on,” said Bruce Saito, director of the California Conservation Corps.

The cost for the installation is projected to be recovered in less than two years through energy savings. Not only is the Mosk Courthouse getting a lighting overhaul, just a few blocks away on Temple Street, the Foltz Criminal Courthouse will get the same treatment.

“These are two of the largest courthouses in the state,” said Mike Courtney, director of Facilities Services for the Judicial Council of California, which oversees 483 court facilities around the state.

“The council is pleased to partner with the California Conservation Corps, as the work on these buildings will save money, benefit our environment and help increase California’s skilled workforce. In fact, we’re expanding the scope of the project–originally 22 courthouse facilities–by adding 42 more courthouse sites,” said Courtney.

Thirty-five Corpsmembers are assigned to the project after receiving weeks of training specific to the job. The skills they learn are directly transferable and are employable in the energy sector.

The CCC has changed out thousands of energy-inefficient lighting fixtures for more efficient LED lamps in schools, libraries and public buildings throughout California.

“This is how the California Conservation Corps makes an impact in our community,” said Saito. “We give young adults an opportunity to get paid while they gain experience and skills that will lead to meaningful jobs; and at the same time do some really hard work that makes California an even better place for all.”


About the CCC

The California Conservation Corps is a state agency offering young adults a paid opportunity to improve California’s natural resources and communities. The CCC also responds to emergencies such as fires, floods, weather and agricultural disasters.

Created by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. in 1976, the CCC is the oldest and largest conservation corps in the nation.

The CCC has corpsmember openings every month for young adults ages 18 to 25 and veterans to age 29. For information on joining, call 1-800-952-JOBS or visit
