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Fields of tall grass may look pretty, but they can be problematic if a wildfire were to ignite.

To help reduce the threat of wildfire in Malibu Creek State Park, CCC Los Angeles Corpsmembers spent several weeks this spring clearing through thick vegetation.

Los Angeles Corpsmember Kassandra Montes, right, brushes an overgrown field in Malibu Creek State Park. 

It’s certainly dirty work, with the hidden danger of rattlesnakes lurking and requiring extra precaution.

The added benefit of the work, it the removal of invasive species that edge out natives and negatively impact wildlife. Making a difference to critters and humans alike, makes it all worth it.

a corpsmember operating a weedwacker stands on a trail

A Los Angeles Corpsmember uses a weedwhacker to clear invasive plant species and reduce fire danger in Malibu Creek State Park.